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Episode 10 – Courage is Calling (Stoicism)


  • Courage is calling by Ryan Holiday

What is stoicism?

Quick overview since we covered it in episode 5

The four cardinal virtues

  • Prudence
  • Justice
  • Courage
  • Temperance


  • Why are we afraid?
  • Defeating fear with logic


  • If not you, then who?
  • Just a few seconds of courage
  • Make it a habit

The heroic

  • What are you willing to pay?
  • You must burn the white flag

Episode 9 – Habits 4 of 4


  • Atomic Habits By: James Clear
  • An atomic habit is a practice or routine that is small and easy and a component of a system of compound growth
  • Bad habits repeat themselves because you don’t have the wrong system in place to change them.
  • Small changes seem unimportant at first but consistency will result in compound results like interest
  • Habits can be seen as the compound interest of self-improvement (1% better example)
  • To get better results focus on the system instead of setting goals
  • You will get better results if you focus on who you’ll become instead what you want to achieve.  
  • Four laws of Behavior change
    • make it obvious
    • make it attractive
    • make it easy
    • make it satisfying.
  • Environment shapes human behavior
  • Outcomes are a lagging measure of your habits
  • Time magnifies the margin between success and failure. It will multiply whatever you feed it. 
  • Good habits make time your ally. Bad habits make time your enemy
  • When you finally break the Plateau of Latent Potential, people will call it an overnight success
  • Changing our habits is challenging for two reasons: 
    • trying to change the wrong thing
    • trying to change habits the wrong way 
  • It is a simple two-step process:
    • Decide the type of person you want to be
    • Prove it to yourself with small wins
  • Becoming the best version of yourself requires you to continuously edit your beliefs, and to upgrade and expand your identity.
  • The process of behavior change always starts with awareness. You need to be aware of your habits before you can change them
  • We tend to imitate the habits of three social groups: 
    • the close (family and friends)
    • the many (the tribe)
    • the powerful (those with status and prestige).
  • Every behavior has a surface level craving and a deeper underlying motive
  • Habit formation is the process by which a behavior becomes progressively more automatic through repetition
  • We will naturally gravitate toward the option that requires the least amount of work
  • Using technology to automate your habits is the most reliable and effective way to guarantee the right behavior

Episode 8 – Habits 3 of 4

 The Mensch and the Machine – Episode 8 outline: Habits 3 of 4

Book: You Are Not Your Brain By: Jeffrey M. Schwartz M.D., Rebecca Gladding

  • The brain sends  false messages referred to in this book as Deceptive Brain Messages, you aren’t defined by them.
  • Example of  a Broadway performer who froze in front of a producer. Since then his brain honed in on all his imperfections and ignored all the positive qualities  (all or nothing thinking)
  • It might seem like we have to follow what our brain tells us we can actually work around it.
  • Instead of working on the problem we turn to temporary fixes and our brains associate the temporary fix with relieving the problem.  For example an executive who turns to drinking to relieve stress. The brain actually associates the temporary h with drinking as an association and anytime he felt stressed he craved alcohol.
  • The mind’s ability to change the brain, called self-directed neuroplasticity.
  • Neuroplasticity is the ability of our brain regions and connections to adopt new functions. 
  • Example of a woman who suffered from a stroke on the left side of her body.  The right hemisphere of the brain rewired itself to control both sides of her body
  • you shouldn’t attempt to stop the deceptive brain messages from arising, instead, the aim is to teach you how to discount the false brain messages.
  • Four Steps to change unhealthy thoughts and habits.
    1. Be mindful and relabelling the situation, “I’m having the urge to go on Facebook.”
    2. Reframe the situation: “Checking Facebook reduces my anxiety that I might not be able to complete the work I should be doing.”
    3. Refocus the  situation  by doing something productive like beginning the easiest work task.
    4. Revalue the situation by recognizing that this impulse is just a deceptive brain message, and needn’t be taken seriously.

Keep a notebook of healthy activities. So that you have a list of healthy or fun refocusing activities.

Episode 7 – Habits 2 of 4

 The Mensch and the Machine – Episode 7 outline: Habits 2 of 4

Book: The Power of Habit By: Charles Duhigg

  • More than 40% of the actions you take each day are actually habits.
  • Habits are choices that you continue doing repeatedly without actually thinking about them. 
  • A habit has 3 steps:
  1. A cue, a trigger that tells your brain which habit to use and puts it into automatic mode.
  • The cue: End of afternoon, feeling a bit tired
  1. A routine, which acts out the habit. This can be physical, mental, or emotional.
  • The routine::  Ask a colleague to have a coffee break
  1. A reward, which is the result of the routine and reinforces the habit.
    • The Reward: coffee boost that you are looking for, just need a break, Or it’s the social aspect to chat with some colleagues
  • At one point, habits started with a decision, but they eventually became automatic.
  • The Golden rule of habit change is based on two steps. For changing a habit:
    • identify the components of the habit loop
    • change only one part in the loop
  • Habits have a powerful effect on our lives.
  • New habits can be installed, 
  • Have a simple cue,
    • This could be a poster of your favourite sports person 
    • It could also be by playing a motivating song
  • Have a routine – 10 minutes stretching and pushups   
  • Have a reward – It could be the endorphin rush or reward yourself with  favourite drink afterwards
  • Not all habits are created equal – There are keystone habits
  • Some habits have a ripple effect and produce much greater effects. They start like a chain reaction
  • willpower is the single most important keystone habit   because it translates to all other areas in life
  • Almost all habitual cues fit into one of five categories:
  1. Location
  2. Time
  3. Emotional state
  4. Other people
  5. Immediately preceding action
  • If you’re trying to figure out the cue for a habit, write down five things the moment the urge hits:
    • Where are you?
    • What time is it?
    • What’s your emotional state?
    • Who else is around?
    • What action preceded the urge?

Episode 6 – Habits 1 of 4

Book: Making Habits, Breaking Habits By: Jeremy Dean

  • Habits are repeated behaviors with little to no conscious intention.
  • A minimum of ⅓ of our waking life is powered by our unconscious, where we operate on auto-pilot
  • A survey conducted in the 80s, at the University of Scranton, found 60% of  213 people surveyed, 

weren’t able to stick to their New Year’s resolutions.

  • Habits are strongly influenced by our environment
  • Training new habits requires patience
  • Most of our behavior is influenced by our unconscious mind
  • We register a number of clues, often without noticing it
  • Having certain routines makes us feel safer
  • Change a habit by replacing it with a different one
  • Performing actions unconsciously can lead to slips
  • Habits related to the Internet can turn into addictions
  • Use the WOOP method to form a new habit
    1. Wish – State what you wish to change
    2. Outcome – what do you wish to happen
    3. Obstacle – What will stop you
    4. Plan-  how are you going to overcome your obstacle
  • Adopt good habits and become happier
  • You can manipulate your habits
  • Determine your motivation.
  • Next, remember to repeat your actions, as repetition leads to automation. 
  • The Habit Loop
  1. Trigger
  2. Routine
  3. Reward 
  • The more you do a habit the more ingrained it becomes in your mind.
  • You can’t ever break an old habit.
  • You can manipulate the habit
  •  Hebb’s law and: Neurons that fire together, wire together.
  •  Quantum zeno effect. – a system can be frozen in its state, if continuously observed.

Episode 5 – Stoicism

The Mensch and the Machine – Episode 5 outline: Stoicism


  • A guide to the good life
  • Meditations
  • Daily Stoic
  • Ego is the enemy
  • Letters from a stoic

What is stoicism?

Why is it having a resurgence now?

What you can control

  • A short list


  • The observer/watcher

How to practice it?

  • Detachment
  • Emotions versus thoughts
    • Becoming a cyborg
  • Finances
  • Insults
  • Death

Episode 4 – Financial tactics

The Mensch and the Machine – Episode 4 outline: Financial tactics


  • I will teach you to be rich
  • Richest man in babylon
  • Rich dad, poor dad
  • Total money makeover

Where did you learn about finances

  • Parental influence
  • School?
  • Books/blogs/etc.

Getting your house in order

  • Where is your money going
  • Budgeting tools that work
  • Envelope system
  • Basic money script
    • If you get an extra $100 how do you allocate it


  • Good debt/bad debt
  • Credit cards
  • Loans
  • Snowball method vs Higher APR target


  • Cash
  • Rate of return
  • Save for specific things


  • Retirement
    • Employer match
  • Assets

Next Week’s topic: Stoicism

Episode 3 – Naval Ravikant

Seek Wealth, Not Money or Status
Make Abundance for the World
Making Money Isn’t About Luck
Making money isn’t about luck

4 types of luck

Blind luck

Luck from hustling

Luck from preparation

Luck from your unique character

In 1,000 parallel universes, you want to be wealthy in 999 of them
Wealth stacks up one chip at a time, not all at once
Make Luck Your Destiny
Build your character so opportunity finds you
You Won’t Get Rich Renting Out Your Time
Live Below Your Means for Freedom
Give Society What It Doesn’t Know How to Get
The Internet Has Massively Broadened Career Possibilities
Play Long-Term Games With Long-Term People
Pick Partners With Intelligence, Energy and Integrity
Arm Yourself With Specific Knowledge
Specific Knowledge Is Highly Creative or Technical
Learn to Sell, Learn to Build
Read What You Love Until You Love to Read
There’s No Actual Skill Called ‘Business’
Embrace Accountability to Get Leverage
Take Accountability to Earn Equity
Labor and Capital Are Old Leverage
Product and Media Are New Leverage
Pick a Business Model with Leverage
Example: From Laborer to Entrepreneur
From low to high specific knowledge, accountability and leverage
Laborers get paid hourly and have low accountability
General contractors get equity, but they’re also taking risk
Property developers pocket the profit by applying capital leverage
Architects, large developers and REITs are even higher in the stack
Real estate tech companies apply the maximum leverage
Judgment Is the Decisive Skill
Set an Aspirational Hourly Rate
Work As Hard As You Can
Be Too Busy to ‘Do Coffee’
Ruthlessly decline meetings
Be too busy to ‘do coffee’ while keeping an uncluttered calendar
First, I keep a very clean calendar. I have almost no meetings on it. When some people see my calendar, they almost weep.
Ruthlessly cut meetings
People will meet with you when you have proof of work
Free your time and mind
Keep Redefining What You Do
Escape Competition Through Authenticity
Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes
Eventually, You Will Get What You Deserve
Reject Most Advice
Most advice is people giving you their winning lottery ticket numbers
A Calm Mind, a Fit Body, a House Full of Love
There Are No Get Rich Quick Schemes
Productize Yourself
We Should Eventually Be Working for Ourselves
Kelly Criterion: Avoid Ruin
Don’t ruin your reputation or get wiped to zero
Turn Short-Term Games Into Long-Term Games
Compounding Relationships Make Life Easier
Price Discrimination: Charge Some People More
Price discrimination is a technique for charging certain people more
Rich people and large enterprises are willing to pay more
Consumer Surplus: Getting More Than You Paid For
Externalities: Calculating the Hidden Costs of Products
Bonus: Finding Time to Invest in Yourself

Episode 2 – Napolean Hill

the guys talk about Napolean Hill and his 13 Principals

Show Notes:

Think and grow rich – the big picture, 13 principles to beat the devil

  1. Desire
    1. How bad do you want it?
    2. Ways to summon the willpower
  2. Faith
    1. Believe 100% that you can do it
    2. Removing negative influence
  3. Self Suggestion
    1. Clean up your self talk
    2. Listen to the little voice, shut up the big annoying voice
  4. Knowledge
    1. Specialized versus general
  5. Imagination
    1. Dream big, then make it real
  6. Planning
    1. To a ship without a destination any port is favorable
  7. Decision
    1. Pick a target and aim at it 100%
  8. Persistence
    1. Get gritty with it
  9. Mastermind
    1. Sum of 5 people you spend the most time with
    2. Find hobbies with a barrier to entry
  10. Transmutation
    1. Transform negative thoughts
  11. Subconscious mind
    1. What you think about when you’re not thinking
    2. Couch naps
  12. The brain
    1. Tune in to tokyo
    2. Like attracts like
  13. Sixth sense
    1. You already know what to do
    2. Little voice

Next Week’s Topic Naval Ravikant