Month: September 2021

Episode 7 – Habits 2 of 4

 The Mensch and the Machine – Episode 7 outline: Habits 2 of 4

Book: The Power of Habit By: Charles Duhigg

  • More than 40% of the actions you take each day are actually habits.
  • Habits are choices that you continue doing repeatedly without actually thinking about them. 
  • A habit has 3 steps:
  1. A cue, a trigger that tells your brain which habit to use and puts it into automatic mode.
  • The cue: End of afternoon, feeling a bit tired
  1. A routine, which acts out the habit. This can be physical, mental, or emotional.
  • The routine::  Ask a colleague to have a coffee break
  1. A reward, which is the result of the routine and reinforces the habit.
    • The Reward: coffee boost that you are looking for, just need a break, Or it’s the social aspect to chat with some colleagues
  • At one point, habits started with a decision, but they eventually became automatic.
  • The Golden rule of habit change is based on two steps. For changing a habit:
    • identify the components of the habit loop
    • change only one part in the loop
  • Habits have a powerful effect on our lives.
  • New habits can be installed, 
  • Have a simple cue,
    • This could be a poster of your favourite sports person 
    • It could also be by playing a motivating song
  • Have a routine – 10 minutes stretching and pushups   
  • Have a reward – It could be the endorphin rush or reward yourself with  favourite drink afterwards
  • Not all habits are created equal – There are keystone habits
  • Some habits have a ripple effect and produce much greater effects. They start like a chain reaction
  • willpower is the single most important keystone habit   because it translates to all other areas in life
  • Almost all habitual cues fit into one of five categories:
  1. Location
  2. Time
  3. Emotional state
  4. Other people
  5. Immediately preceding action
  • If you’re trying to figure out the cue for a habit, write down five things the moment the urge hits:
    • Where are you?
    • What time is it?
    • What’s your emotional state?
    • Who else is around?
    • What action preceded the urge?

Episode 6 – Habits 1 of 4

Book: Making Habits, Breaking Habits By: Jeremy Dean

  • Habits are repeated behaviors with little to no conscious intention.
  • A minimum of ⅓ of our waking life is powered by our unconscious, where we operate on auto-pilot
  • A survey conducted in the 80s, at the University of Scranton, found 60% of  213 people surveyed, 

weren’t able to stick to their New Year’s resolutions.

  • Habits are strongly influenced by our environment
  • Training new habits requires patience
  • Most of our behavior is influenced by our unconscious mind
  • We register a number of clues, often without noticing it
  • Having certain routines makes us feel safer
  • Change a habit by replacing it with a different one
  • Performing actions unconsciously can lead to slips
  • Habits related to the Internet can turn into addictions
  • Use the WOOP method to form a new habit
    1. Wish – State what you wish to change
    2. Outcome – what do you wish to happen
    3. Obstacle – What will stop you
    4. Plan-  how are you going to overcome your obstacle
  • Adopt good habits and become happier
  • You can manipulate your habits
  • Determine your motivation.
  • Next, remember to repeat your actions, as repetition leads to automation. 
  • The Habit Loop
  1. Trigger
  2. Routine
  3. Reward 
  • The more you do a habit the more ingrained it becomes in your mind.
  • You can’t ever break an old habit.
  • You can manipulate the habit
  •  Hebb’s law and: Neurons that fire together, wire together.
  •  Quantum zeno effect. – a system can be frozen in its state, if continuously observed.